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Transparent Joins
Many data integration tasks require large numbers of joins. In addition to being a potential performance bottleneck, large joins are difficult to write and debug; a single missing condition in a where clause can cause a query to return an incorrect result. In CQL, foreign keys can be followed (dereferenced) directly, so that many constuctions that require joins in SQL do not require joins in CQL.
This example (built in to the IDE with name Joinless) defines a source schema about schools, faculty, and departments, and a query to find everyone who works in a school whose largest department is mathematics. The query does not require any joins; in SQL, this query would require two joins.
We start by defining a source schema for schools, faculty, and departments, with foreign keys specifying the department and institute of each person, and the biggest department in a school:
typeside Ty = literal { java_types String = "java.lang.String" java_constants String = "return input[0]" } schema Schools = literal : Ty { entities Person School Dept foreign_keys instituteOf : Person -> School deptOf : Person -> Dept biggestDept : School -> Dept attributes lastName : Person -> String schoolName : School -> String deptName : Dept -> String }
Here is some sample data, taken from the Boston area:
instance BostonSchools = literal : Schools { generators ryan david adam greg gregory jason : Person harvard mit : School math cs : Dept multi_equations lastName -> {ryan Wisnesky, david Spivak, adam Chlipala, greg Morrisett, gregory Malecha, jason Gross} schoolName -> {harvard Harvard, mit MIT} deptName -> {math Mathematics, cs CompSci} instituteOf -> {ryan harvard, david mit, adam mit, greg harvard, gregory harvard, jason mit} deptOf -> {ryan math, david math, adam cs, greg cs, gregory cs, jason cs} biggestDept -> {harvard math, mit cs} }

Our goal is to find all people who work in a school whose biggest department is mathematics. The target schema contains an entity Person and two attributes:
schema Person = literal : Ty { entities Person attributes lastName : Person -> String schoolName : Person -> String }
To populate this schema we write a query that iterates over all people, dereferencing foreign keys (using the dot operator) instead of performing joins:
query BiggestDeptIsMathQuery = literal : Schools -> Person { entities Person -> { from p:Person where p.instituteOf.biggestDept.deptName = Mathematics return lastName -> p.lastName schoolName -> p.instituteOf.schoolName} } instance BiggestDeptIsMathInBoston = eval BiggestDeptIsMathQuery BostonSchools
The result is displayed in the IDE:

A screen shot of the entire development is shown below: